Preparing a Cleaner, Safer, and Healthier World
At 100% Environnemental, we work hard to prepare a cleaner, safer and healthier world where people can thrive, not just for today, but for generations to come. We recycle as much material as possible to prevent the burial of large quantities of waste. We cover:

Plastic from Electronic Sources
Dismantling electronic waste produces vast masses of plastic. We have the right solutions and processes to recycle this kind of plastic. Whether it's end-of-life products, such as plastic barrels and tanks, or products generated by industrial processes, we have all the necessary equipment to process the materials correctly.

Electronic Waste Recycling
At 100% Environnemental, we process e-waste manually and mechanically. All components are sorted and then stored separately to recover recyclable elements such as glass, plastic, and metal, which can then be transformed into new products. We do not repack or resell hardware components. The secure information destruction service includes the physical shearing of hard drives and all other related parts used to store information.
Security Tracking System
We have implemented a computerized security tracking system after collecting the materials. Traceability gives assurance to customers of what will happen next with their materials. Our experts certify that your products are destroyed in an environmentally responsible manner in Montreal. This service includes the physical shearing of hard drives and all other components used to store information.
Destruction of Trademarked and Branded Products
We handle certified destruction of trademarked products and offer this specialized service to companies requesting certified physical destruction of certain controlled products to protect intellectual property or trade secrets. The products in question can be end-of-life products with manufacturing defects, surplus products or products bearing distinctive marks. We issue certificates of controlled destruction of products.
The Procedure
We take photos of the destruction process or make a video for the benefit of customers. Different destruction processes are used, such as simple cutting, granulation or shearing.

Other Environmental Services
When our customers require a precise response to their needs, we know how to provide exceptional flexibility while optimizing operating costs. With adequate industry knowledge, we have efficiently managed several eco-centers at the same time since September 2003.
Permanent Eco-Centers
We work with several municipalities with permanent eco-centers. Our experts rely on effective management tools and experience to find the ideal solutions to optimize the recovery and economic return for the following:
We provide mobile facilities and containers set up in a specific location to collect and sort residual materials for recycling and reclamation purposes. Users can bring all suitable materials selected by the company or the municipality. Our staff ensures the smooth running of activities by supervising all operations of the mobile center and offering assistance to users in sorting materials. The Pointe-Claire mobile eco-center is a typical example of this kind of installation.

Environmentally Friendly Recovery
Our services include ecological and environmental friendly recovery and disposal of reusable, recyclable, and non-recyclable objects. With cutting-edge technology, we make honest efforts to recycle and recover materials to meet the needs of our diverse clientele.
Rigid Standards
Our services meet all the most rigid standards for commercial, industrial, institutional, and government clients.

Well-equipped Team Members
Whether it's a broken recycling bin or products generated by industrial processes, we have qualified and experienced staff and equipment to process materials correctly. The plastic and metals from these products will be used again in manufacturing new products. That’s our 100% Environmental Guarantee.